
Doers vs. Sellers

Before I begin, l et me explain what I mean by the title of this blog post. In my opinion, people can be divided into two very general groups; the doers, and the sellers. I call each group as such merely for the lack of a better term to explain the purpose. Doers are those who possess some kind of skill, art, or otherwise some ability that allows them to earn a living. Doctors, engineers, accountants, writers, musicians, carpenters, tailors, plumbers, bricklayers, and many others of the same or similar profession are in this group. As widespread as this group is they all have one thing in common; Each individual contributes in one way or another to run and maintain this well-oiled machine called society. Sellers are those with almost none of the above. They have no particular skills, or shall I say they are in professions that do not require any particular skills. They, however, are in positions that drive society and define the direction in which it moves. Politicians, corporate execu...

Does Your Other Half Truly Understand You

This morning I was sitting in my chair, drinking coffee and reading a book as I always do. My wife, passing by to go get ready for work told me in a very caring tone, "why don't you start your day with some activity? Go out, enjoy the day." Her comment as true and caring as it was flared up a sensitive subject. I didn't say anything but she could see that I was upset. We hugged and kissed, and she went on her way to work. She called me a few minutes later saying she was sorry for upsetting me. I was nearly in tears for two reasons. The fact that she was apologizing for something she said out of deep care for me. And the fact that what she said brought down, much harder, the mental hammer that I always beat myself with for the same thing. You see,  I'm a fifty-seven-year-old male who is overweight to the point of obesity.  I was born much heavier than a normal child, and I was brought up by overweight parents to whom not spoiling your appetite before a meal, and fi...